It should come as no surprise that the Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis made the top 3 luxury handbags list in 2021. I reached for this one the most by far all year long. I’ve had this bag for about 5 years, maybe more and it’s still a favorite of mine. I find it super comfortable but it adds a stylish touch to any outfit. It’s definitely not a full sized bag for me so I do down size my slgs when I wear this but it still fits all my essentials comfortably.
If you are looking to purchase a pochette metis and you’ve been shopping around, keep in mind they have several different versions. The first model had a tassle on the back zipper and some have 5 adjustable holes on the straps and some have 7. I’ve had a lot of people ask about my strap and it just depends on when the bag was made.
Make sure to check out this 5 minute review on YouTube and this 1 minute what’s in my bag also on YouTube!

I will admit the Louis Vuitton Bumbag caught me by surprise. I didn’t love it at first but it finally grew on me and now I have 3 bumbags total. This one is my #1 though so naturally I reached for it the most. It’s a great size and surprisingly goes with EVERYTHING!!! Yes, it’s a more casual bag, but I’ve dressed it up a little and it looks great. Keep in mind, I am using the term “dressed up” loosely. It’s still casual, just a dressier casual. I feel like the bumbag trend hit the industry quickly that we weren’t sure if it was a fad or here to stay. Verdict is in, bumbag is a new classic silhouette. I am not saying you have to buy a luxury one but if you want to this is one I highly recommend!
Check out this comparison video on YouTube!

Last but certainly not least is my YSL Camera Bag! This bag stole my heart for a good two months straight. I seriously wore it almost daily for a solid two months. It’s similar to the pochette metis in a lot of ways but also very different. It’s a little smaller for sure but still fits all my essentials. If you want something a little dressier than the pochette metis but still really casual and easy to wear, this is my recommendation. It comes in a ton of colors, has the cutest tassel detail and has an adjustable strap.
Want more details, watch this YouTube video.